元吾氏 1楼 2016-12-27 00:12Please accept, with no obligation, explicit or implicit, my warmest (please handle with care due to the high temperature) greetings and best (by the standard of a reasonable prudent person) wishes for an environmentally friendly, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, non-alcoholic, gender and gender-identity neutral, religion-blind, fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated HOLIDAY! The greetings/wishes provided herein represent my sentiment as of the time of this writing, and shall be revocable at any time without notice at my sole discretion.我爱关之琳17楼2016-12-27 05:02请接受我不带义务、公开或私下,最热烈的(请小心,我的问候太“热”情了)问候和良好(参考理性客观的人的标准)的愿望成为一个爱护环境、负有责任、没有压力、不上瘾、不过度饮酒、性别和性别中立,无宗教观,财政成功,人生圆满,和人格率真的人,特此节日祝福!此处提供的问候/祝愿代表我此时此刻的心意,未经个人同意,不可转载。空无灵音29楼2016-12-27 08:12早~ ^^“请接受我的无显隐义务的最温暖(炽热,请注意)的节日问候和最美好(按合理谨慎之人的标准)的祝福。祝愿你拥有一个环保、对社会负责、无压力、不上瘾、不酗酒、性别中立、无分宗教、富足、圆满、健康的假期!祝福仅表达此刻撰文的情感,可由本人随时撤消。”